Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where did my inspiration go?

I'm more sporadic with my blog posts lately. I don't think it necessarily has to do with time management, I used to do a lot more in a lot less time. I was a full time student with a part time job, include homework and a boyfriend, and it barely gave me enough time to schedule in a shower in the evening. Don't worry, I practiced good hygiene.

Provided, I didn't have a full time parenting schedule but nevertheless, it's not as bad as I may have made it out to be. I had time to write, and was inspired to do so.
Once school was done and I had a career to chase, the only inspiration I found was my weekly 'themes'. In other words, I found something to write about that I was learning day in and day out, throughout the week. It was hardly news worthy information but it did get recognized in my industry, in the twitter-verse at least.

I'm trying to follow my own advice on how to cure writer's block, reading, doing more activities, and exploring new spaces; however, it doesn't seem to work.
My daily tasks consists of me exploring new marketing areas of opportunity that we have not yet embraced. Needless to say, I have been using my creativity more so now than I was in my previous employment. Not only, I have to execute every strategy and plan according to the campaign or promotion in a strategic manner. I am also very meticulous which takes more time to plan for proper execution.

This part of my job makes me thrive. It is the reason I started this journey in the first place.
So, why I do I find it difficult to be inspired to write about what I love? At least more so lately. I learn new things about myself and my job every day. For instance, I have learned the art of radio advertising: creative scripts and production time.

I'm also exploring a new marketing tactic, Digital Marketing. This is not something that I learned in school but it is the current trend. I am self educating and learning on the job, practical uses, where to post, and how to maximize on this opportunity.
I'm hardly inactive in my industry.

Perhaps with the increase of creative thinking on a more regular basis is a result of my lack of ambition to write about it in the evening? I am satisfied with my work-work balance that there is no need to fulfill the same desire during non-peak work hours.
Even though I have aspirations to expand my freelance business, it has become evident that I am exactly where I need to be right now. This 'job satisfaction' thing is new to me, I am learning and adapting to it. It may become more habitual eventually; however, I would rather still be in the novelty stage with my career, if I can help it.

Inspiration is in the strategic social media plans that I write; it's in the advertising strategies that I explore day in and day out; and it's in the presentations that I periodically give to management. I was given a gift, the gift of passion for what I do, love for the company to whom I provide my services, and the validation that I receive when it is well deserved.
There's no better feeling.

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