Thursday, September 27, 2012

You have the personality of a dude

What does this mean? I've been told this a few times, and the more I think about it, the less I think it is true. I just saw a photo on PInterest that made me wonder what this really meant. Is it a negative correlation to my personality to that of 'the dude's' personality? And, how much truth is behind this saying?
The dictionary defines a 'dude' as a man who is very fancy or sharp in dress and demeanor.
So what does it mean when a woman is told that her personality is that of a 'dude's'? Come on! We know that dress doesn't tell someone's personality. This still doesn't give me any clarity.
Men are known as logical, rational types and women are known as emotional. Then I began to wonder, if a woman is known as emotional, can they hide their emotions to appear more logical and rational?
Let's put a PR spin on this, because that's what I do. It's all about public perception. Women appear to be logical and rational, but who knows what she does in the comfort of her own home. She may cry, scream, or laugh.  
Let's face it:
Women are emotional: we cry, we laugh, we are strong, we are weak. We care, we don't care, we want more, we want less, and then we want nothing at all. We have a logical, rational side but our emotions drive us to being this way.
Of course, these are all generalizations, not all will apply. Just some food for thought, and perhaps a little self discovery on my part.

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