My understanding of PR before I started the program at the
University of Winnipeg was not as broadly defined as its actual definition. After
doing some research, I discovered that my perception of the Public Relations field
was not completely off, I simply didn’t have all the details required to
explain it to those that have never heard of it. Now I do and can feel
confident when asked to define it.
I can’t say that anything has surprised me when I read about
the profession; perhaps I was a little thrown off by how much information I will
need to read daily as a PR professional. My short term goal is to get in the
habit of reading national news daily so it doesn’t seem like such a task when I
start my career.
I am intrigued by the various directions a PR professional
can follow based on one’s own personal interest. For someone like myself, who
constantly needs to be intellectually stimulated, I could not have made a
better career choice. The volunteering I have done so far has been exciting and
interesting, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. I have always been the
type of person that constantly needs to be busy; I prefer to schedule some time
for relaxing rather than be bored with everyday life.
I am interested in learning more about promotions and media
relations, the upcoming courses I am taking will be beneficial in learning the ropes.
I have many goals and a dream of succeeding in this field. I use my outgoing
personality to my advantage when meeting people and networking. I have found my
niche; I am learning who I am and having fun while doing it. There is something
to be said that if you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll never work
a day in your life. I’m looking forward to it all.
Lynne excellent you have real gift ,for this.