Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Snowball Effect

I haven't quite been myself this week. Even though home life settled a little, with my son being home with me, Tuesday was the start of what would eventually end up being the snowball effect.

I have discovered that there was a leak in my bathroom , adjacent to my bedroom, and it made its way into my bedroom closet. I have very little plumbing knowledge and a lot less construction knowledge but I do know that there may be some underlying damage.

The damage in the closet I once loved
Damsel in Distress, immediately I started texting knowledgeable male friends of mine who may be able to provide a little clarity, if not show up on their white horse and save the day. Unfortunately, it was a problem even they didn't want to handle. Being that I am a renter, it is only common sense that I call the landlord and have him take care of this problem for me.

Right? WRONG! My landlord hasn't exactly been the most friendly or generous throughout the years, but at this point, I had no choice but to call him.
Not only did he come into my apartment while I was away, but I come home to a cleaned out closet - therefore a messy bedroom - and a fan to dry up the water. Dang... why didn't I think of that?! If it was THAT simple, I would have gotten my eight year old son to do it for me.

Long story short, the leak is gone but the damage remains. Is it going to be fixed? My guess would be... NO!

....and the snowball keeps getting bigger.
Adding to this huge pain in the neck, a few career changing opportunities were presented to me the following day one of which was a complete change in the path I was heading, the other staying within my field but in a different office.

(Let me just mention here that these opportunities were all still within the same company)
I have been in the Marketing and Public Relations field for only 3 months and the idea of changing career paths so soon seemed a little unappealing to me. What WAS appealing was the increase in pay this job would provide.

Dollar signs were dancing in my eyes, but the thought of leaving Public Relations and Marketing broke my heart. I have worked so hard to achieve this goal, was it wise of me to leave it for a bigger paycheque? It certainly would have solved my water damage issue.
I weighed out the pros and cons of both positions (I'll spare you the list) but after the clouds rolled over and the sky was blue again, I followed my heart and decided to stay in my chosen profession. Sure the pay won't be as much, but when I decided to go into this field it wasn't for the money but for the rewards.

Now that the week is over, and I have dealt with most of the 'crap' that was handed to me, I can safely say that I feel like myself again. Sure my room is still a disaster but Saturdays off are for cleaning.... and sleeping in.
I did learn something this week.... When faced with difficult decisions, weigh out the pros and cons of the options but in the end, follow your heart. AND, tell your cheap landlord to fix your apartment.

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